Media Release Samples
[For Immediate Release]
Krieble Institute Update
In 1992 Russian propagandists and newspapers angrily branded leaders of the Krieble Institute as "agents of influence" who had contributed to the demolition of the Soviet empire. These leaders gladly accept the charge in a tell-all book soon to be released.
(Washington, D.C.) The KGB, top Soviet officials, communist editors of party organs and newspapers -- many suspected and warned that the Krieble Institute posed a threat to the continued existence of the Soviet empire. Undercover operatives would attend Krieble Institute training seminars and accuse the trainers of insidious secret motives.
Now a new book, Agents of Influence by Arthur Matthews, explains just what the Krieble Institute trainers have been working to accomplish, how they've gone about it, and why so many top American experts volunteer their time to hold Institute seminars free of charge throughout the FSU and Eastern Europe -- all without a penny of government support.
"I took great pride in this remarkable tribute of being personally blamed for my influence in the fall of their beloved Soviet Union," said Dr. Robert Krieble, chairman and founder of the Washington, DC-based Institute. "Though they greatly exaggerated my importance in these string of events, I thanked them very much for their kind tribute ... it was one of the highest compliments of my life."
Since 1986, Krieble and his cadre of volunteer American trainers have held seminars at no charge, teaching 12,000 citizens of the former Soviet empire the basics of business and leadership skills. Many Krieble Institute alumni have used their new knowledge to launch political campaigns bringing democratic reforms to the Soviet Union. Others have applied new business skills to start entrepreneurial free-market projects.
Agents of Influence is a real-life adventure story -- leading from a small, white-walled interrogation room to the uppermost offices of Russian power.
Krieble Institute officials will release their book and answer questions at a press conference to be held Wednesday, June 7, 1995 at 4:00 PM at the Institute's Moscow office in the Freedom and Democracy House, 44 Gercen Street.
For more information on the Krieble Institute, call Steven R. Van Hook at
Worldwide Media Relations: (805) 966-3404.
[For Immediate Release]
Project Moscow Medicine
A team of California doctors and medical technicians is taking medical supplies, a dialysis machine and expertise to Russia in a people-to-people humanitarian exchange ... it’s a matter of life and death.
(Santa Maria, California) A five-person team of American doctors, nurses and medical experts in diabetes are taking their know-how, supplies and equipment to Russia this week in a grassroots drive by Project Moscow Medicine that could help save thousands of lives. The team will hold training sessions over five days for some 200 physicians from throughout the Moscow region, and will help to establish a diabetic education program.
Among the medical supplies and equipment brought for the Russians will be the first of many dialysis machines the project will be delivering over the next several months. Stanford University Medical Center has donated 21 surplus dialysis machines to the project, to help alleviate the dire shortage of such equipment in Russian medical facilities.
“Though they are very advanced in their medical techniques, the shortage of this type of equipment is causing an unfortunate and unnecessary loss of life,” said Dr. Bill Okerblom, founder of Project Moscow Medicine.
Among some of the supplies already delivered by Project Moscow Medicine include ventilators, hospital beds, cardiac monitors, a complete neurosurgical instrument tray, a chem panel analyzer, a spirometer, plus 5000 doses of intravenous antibiotics, a thousand pairs of surgical gloves, and more than 300 endotracheal tubes.
Project Moscow Medicine receives no government funds, and is launching a fund drive to help raise the $15,000 necessary to ship the remaining dialysis machines, and set up and maintain a dialysis unit in a Russian hospital for the first year.
The project was founded in 1993, and has made six prior trips to Russia. The training team will be in Russia from April 22 until April 29.
For more information on Project Moscow Medicine, call Steven R. Van Hook at
Worldwide Media Relations: (805) 966-3404.