Let us live friends, one day at a time;
doing the best we know how;
sowing a word here and a deed there;
let us not be self-righteous;
let us not condemn;
let us do our best, but give to every other one the same privilege;
let us 'mind our own business';
let us cease to persecute;
let us be filled with love, tolerance and compassion;
let us see all as part of the All;
let us see that each is doing the best they know how,
the stage of their unfoldment;
let us see the Divine in the humblest, vilest, and most ignorant person --
it is there, it is there, hidden but pressing forward toward unfoldment;
and, finally, 'let us be kind -- let us be kind.'
- Yogi Ramacharaka -
Advance Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism